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US headed for massive decline in carbon emissions

An article describing the revolution in energy supply and efficiency happening in the US, despite the protects of the fossil fuel industry and weak legislation.


Arctic summer ice could disappear within decades

"Catlin Arctic survey finds evidence that ice is thinning more rapidly than expected, say analysts"

Category: Climate Change


MIT's 'chameleon' tiles promise to slash building energy use

"Colour-changing technology could turn buildings white when it is hot, helping to reflect more of the sun's energy."

Category: Energy sources


Rogue satellites to be cleared from Earth's orbit by German robots

"German-built robots are to be sent into Earth's orbit to repair 'dead satellites' or push them into outer space"

Category: Space


Peak oil could hit soon, report says

"A new report says worldwide production of conventionally extracted oil could peak in the next decade" Report by UK Energy Research Council

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 946 to 950 out of 2977